PPA S.A. was awarded in "Bravo Sustainability Week 2021"
10 Jun 2021

PPA S.A. was awarded in "Bravo Sustainability Week 2021"

Piraeus, June 10th 2021




PPA S.A. was awarded in "Bravo Sustainability Week 2021"


PPA S.A. participated in “Bravo Sustainability Week 2021”, organized by the QualityNet Foundation, which presents initiatives to support a sustainable future!

In particular, PPA S.A. contributed to the national dialogue for Sustainable Development in Greece, in which participate evaluation committees and a total of 14,380 Active Citizens, and was awarded in the pillar "Cooperations" for the initiative "The COSCO SHIPPING Charity Foundation finances actions of the Red Cross in Greece".

It concerns the implementation of the "Children Included" program of the Hellenic Red Cross, funded by the non-profit organization COSCO SHIPPING Charity Foundation and supported by PPA S.A. Through this cooperation, more than 4,000 young students were supported, aged 6 to 18 years old, of Primary and Secondary Education, coming from weaker economically families and vulnerable to social exclusion, aiming at improving their individual and social skills.

PPA SA would like to thank all parties involved for the successful completion of the program and intensifies its efforts so that the development of the port diffuses into the local economy and contributes to the social welfare.


You can watch the Bravo Sustainability Week 2021 event! via YouTube channel:

* The award of PPA S.A. at 6:23:12