Constitution of the Remuneration Committee



PPA S.A. announces that: a) the Remuneration Committee constituted into a Body and b) the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee was appointed, as follows:

  1. Constitution of the PPA S.A. Remuneration Committee into a Body:
  • ARVANITIS Nikolaos, Member of REMUNERATION Committee, Independent - Non-Executive member of the Board
  • KWONG Che Keung Gordon, Member of REMUNERATION Committee, Independent - Non-Executive member of the Board
  • POLITIS Dimitrios, Member of REMUNERATION Committee, Non-Executive member of the Board

The term of office of the Remuneration Committee will be equal to the term of office of the newly elected Board of Directors of the Company, whose term of office is two years.

  1. Appointment of Mr. ARVANITIS Nikolaos as Chairman of the PPA S.A. Remuneration Committee.