Press Releases

The Board of Directors of PPA S.A. approved the Annual Financial Report 2017 according to which the basic figures are the following: The turnover amounted to € 111.5 million compared to € 103.5 million in the corresponding period of 2016, showing an increase of 7.7%.
A meeting of representatives of PPA's Management with a group of journalists from Eurozone countries and a tour at the port facilities of PPA S.A. took place at the port of Piraeus, in the framework of an informational initiative of the European Commission for the recent developments of the Greek economy.
The Security and Protection in European Ports was the theme of the conference organized by the Port Authority of Piraeus (PPA) within the framework of the European co-funded project Sauron. The event took place on the 31st of January 2018 in the PPA Conference Hall.
The postgraduate students of the Applied Economics and Finance - Public Auditing Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, headed by the Professors Mr. A. Christopoulos and D. Kainourgios, visited the headquarters of PPA S.A. in the framework of the course Microeconomics and Finance of Public Enterprises.
The "Security and Safety at the EU Ports and presentation of the PPA EU Projects", will be the theme of the conference organised by Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) within the framework of the European co-funded project: Sauron (
Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) SA and the Huawei Technologies SA are pleased to announce the contract conclusion for the modernization of the PPA network infrastructure.
A significant increase was recorded at the Car Terminal of PPA S.A. in 2017 as a total of 431.157 cars were transported compared to 361.912 in 2016, recording an increase of 19,13%. 331,832 were transhipment vehicles, which afterwards were transhipped to other ports in the Mediterranean, increased by 22,07% compared to 2016, emerging the port of Piraeus as one of the biggest terminals for car traffic across the Mediterranean.
PPA S.A. presented today 22.01.2018 at a public consultation its proposals for the "Master Plan of the Port of Piraeus", as provided by the Concession Agreement in 2016, ratified in Legislation with the Law 4404/2016.
The Piraeus Port Authority SA has obtained an internationally recognized Certificate from the National Certification Body of EBETAM SA for the Managing Adequacy System implemented according to the requirements of the ELOT1429: 2008 standard for the implementation of public projects. EBETAM is a company of public interest under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Industry of the Ministry of Development.
A cooperation meeting with the Harbor Master of Piraeus, Commodore of the Hellenic Coast Guard, Mr. Leontaras Konstantinos had the CEO of PPA S.A. Captain Fu Chengqiu, on Monday 08.01.2018, accompanied by executives of the company.