Press Releases

PPA S.A. participates with its own booth (Stand 3201), in the greatest maritime event of the world, Posidonia exhibition, which this year celebrates its 50th anniversary, surpassing any previously participations record.
The annual briefing to the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association for the results of PPA S.A. for the year 2017 took place at the Athens Stock Exchange, in the presence of the CEO of PPA S.A. Captain Fu Chengqiu, Mr. Angelos Karakostas, Deputy CEO, Mr. Athanasios Liagkos, Member of the Board of Directors and Management Consultant, Mr. Tian Chao, General Manager - Financial Dept. and other executives of the company.
The Ambassador of China Mr. Zou Xiaoli made an official visit at the premises of the Ship Repair Zone in Perama, where he was guided by CEO Captain Fu Chengqiu and executives of PPA S.A.
A delegation of the B5 Directorate of International Economic Relations with countries from Central and Southern America, Sub Saharan Africa & Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed by Ambassador Konstantinos Economides, accompanied by Mr. Konstantinos Daskalopoulos, First Secretary of Economic and Commercial Affairs and Mrs. Despina Tzova, Attaché of Economic and Commercial Affairs, visited the headquarters of PPA S.A. and had a meeting with CEO Capt. Fu Chengqiu and senior executives of the Company's Management.
Piraeus Port Authority S.A. is pleased to announce that after the completion of the procedure for the final installation and mooring of the new floating dock “PIRAEUS III” in a permanent position in Pier I of the Ship Repair Zone in Perama, yesterday started successfully to operate with the first ship's docking.
Another one European program, related to the security and training of PPA S.A. security staff, "AUGGMED", ended with its third pilot demonstration at the port of Piraeus. The other two were successfully held at the Leeds airport in the UK and the underground train station in Barcelona.
The Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces the successful completion of the environmental certification review in accordance with the Port Environmental Review System (PERS) and the receipt of the new PERS Certificate.
The Piraeus Port Authority is pleased to announce the arrival, with the specialized cargo ship "XIN GUANG HUA" of COSCO Shipping, of the new "PIRAEUS III" floating dock of 22,000 tons lifting capacity, which can serve ships up to 240 m. length, 35 m. width, with transport capacity of 80,000 tons (PANAMAX) and disposes modern crane equipment.
Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces: A. The tender procedure for the sale and removal of the hazardous and harmful Tanker Ship "DIMITRA Piraeus Register 10530" which is now at the port of Perama, was successfully completed with the designation of a bidder among three interested companies. 
An informational meeting with the Ambassador of Luxembourg, Mr. Paul Steinmetz and the CEO of PPA SA Captain Fu Chengqiu and other Management members took place at the headquarters of the company.