Press Releases

According to data from the relevant Department of Motor Vehicles, which managed the car terminals of PPA SA during the fiscal year January-December 2011, there was an overall increase in movements by 9.81%, which is mainly due to the positive change in transit movements by 33.3%.
28/12/2011 In the conference hall of PPA SA the Investment Program of PPA SA 2012- 2016 was presented, as well as the inclusion of important projects in the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF). During the press conference given by the Minister of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping, Mr. Michalis Chrysohoidis, along with Deputy Minister, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, the Regional Director of Attica, Mr. John Sgouros, the Secretary General of Ports and Port Policy, Mr. Thanos Pallis, the General Secretary of NSRF…
22/12/2011 The Board of Directors of PPA SA has approved the notice of a public international open tender budgeted at 5.118.000 euro, plus VAT 23%, for the outsourcing of cleaning services for three (3) years. Mr. G. Anomeritis, President and CEO of PPA SA, gives special attention to issues of cleanliness of the land areas of the port, because - after his intervention on environmental issues- the port won the ECOPORT title for 2011 and wants to retain it.
21/12/2011 The Board of Directors of PPA SA has approved the recommendations of Mr. G. Anomeritis, President and CEO of PPA SA, on the following issues: (a) Strategy of Growth of PPA SA for 2012 and implementation of decisions(b) Investment Development Program of PPA SA for 2012-2016 and(c) Application of Law 4024/2011
The President and CEO of PPA SA, Mr. Yiorgos Anomeritis, presented at a press conference, the results for 2011 for the cruise sector of PPA SA and the cruise policies of the Organization for the coming years.
07/12/2011 Mr. G. Anomeritis, President and CEO of PPA SA, and Mr. Stavros Hatzakos, Director of Administration and President of MedCruise, participated in the Seatrade Winter Cruising Forum in Istanbul. The interest of this year's Forum focused on Greece and the Mediterranean, exploring the possibilities of organizing winter cruise itineraries by the cruise market. Major cruise companies had bilateral meetings with PPA SA, regarding the cruise market in 2013 and 2014 and the policies to be implemented for the growth…
 05/12/2011 Following the request from the participants in the process: The date for the submission of proposals has been postponed to Monday, April 2nd, 2012.
01/12/2011 The meetings of PPA SA with Korean representatives, during a Greek-Korean Conference held in Athens, were successfully completed with the visit of a Korean multi-member delegation to the cruise facilities of PPA SA. During the meetings, executives of PPA presented the investment plan of the Authority as well as the broader development opportunities which are available. The meetings were attended by Representatives of the Hyundai Corporation, the Hanwha Corporation, the Korean Reinsurance Company, the Korea Exchange and Hanwha Europe.
The Board of PPA SA unanimously adopted the Financial Statements for the period 01.01.2011 to 09.30.2011 (nine months of 2011) which were prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards.
With a large delegation of officials of the Multicultural Committee of the Municipality of Beijing and the Bureau of Regional Press Journalists Association met the President and CEO of PPA SA Mr. George Anomeritis, at the Headquarters of PPA S.A.